Here is a list of all my scientific publications. Most of them are available in IEEE Xplore and in the ACM Digital Library. If you have any questions about a paper or do you need further information, please feel free to contact me.
M. Ikeda, F. Widmoser, G. Stübl, S. Zafari, A. Sackl, and A. Pichler, “An interactive workplace for improving human robot collaboration: sketch workpiece interface for fast teaching (swift),” in Adjunct proceedings of the 2023 acm international joint conference on pervasive and ubiquitous computing & the 2023 acm international symposium on wearable computing, , 2023, p. 191–194.
[Bibtex]@inbook{37ab7ae74a7d4f4f93511d1b791093e5, title = "An Interactive Workplace for Improving Human Robot Collaboration: Sketch Workpiece Interface for Fast Teaching (SWIFT)", abstract = "Ubiquitous computing refers to the concept of integrating computers and technology into everyday objects and environments,making them constantly available and seamlessly interconnected.In recent times, there has been a growing adoption of the concept inindustrial settings as well. This contribution targets the replacementof an industrial manual repair process through a robotic solution.The focus of this work is on the novel interface utilizing a digitalpen and spatial augmented reality, which mimics the original jobpreparation process but ubiquitously enables automated robot programming. This shifts the work of the human from a dull, dirty anddangerous process to the cognitively more demanding part of inspection and process strategy definition, whereas the robot is usedas a dexterous and tenacious intelligent process tool to perform thesurface processing operation itself.", keywords = "Industrial Extended Reality, Human robot interaction, mixed reality robot programming, pen-based interaction", author = "Markus Ikeda and Fabian Widmoser and Gernot St{\"u}bl and Setareh Zafari and Andreas Sackl and Andreas Pichler", note = "Q4/2023; UbiComp/ISWC '23: The 2023 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, UbiComp / ISWC 2023 ; Conference date: 08-10-2023 Through 12-10-2023", year = "2023", month = oct, day = "8", doi = "10.1145/3594739.3610719", language = "English", isbn = "9798400702006", pages = "191--194", booktitle = "Adjunct Proceedings of the 2023 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing \& the 2023 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computing", url = "", }
T. Bieg, M. Schmoigl-Tonis, N. Sturm, C. Nativel, and A. Sackl, “Enabling cross-domain robot programming by end-users: the robxtask platform,” in 2022 ieee symposium on visual languages and human-centric computing (vl/hcc), 2022, p. 1–3.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{AIT-150293, author = {Bieg, Till and Schmoigl-Tonis, Mathias and Sturm, Nadine and Nativel, Chlo{\'e} and Sackl, Andreas}, title = {Enabling Cross-Domain Robot Programming By End-Users: The ROBxTASK Platform}, booktitle = {2022 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC)}, year = {2022}, pages = {1--3}, publisher = {IEEE}, isbn = {978-1-6654-4214-5}, doi = {10.1109/VL/HCC53370.2022.9833136}, note = {Vortrag: IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing 2022 (VL/HCC); 2022-09-12 -- 2022-09-16} }
A. Sackl, D. Pretolesi, S. Burger, M. Ganglbauer, and M. Tscheligi, “Social robots as coaches: how human-robot interaction positively impacts motivation in sports training sessions,” in 2022 31st ieee international conference on robot and human interactive communication (ro-man), 2022, p. 141–148.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{AIT-150294, author = {Sackl, Andreas and Pretolesi, Daniele and Burger, Sophia and Ganglbauer, Markus and Tscheligi, Manfred}, title = {Social Robots as Coaches: How Human-Robot Interaction Positively Impacts Motivation in Sports Training Sessions}, booktitle = {2022 31st IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN)}, year = {2022}, pages = {141--148}, publisher = {IEEE}, isbn = {978-1-7281-8859-1}, doi = {10.1109/RO-MAN53752.2022.9900600}, note = {Vortrag: 31st IEEE International Conference on Robot {\&} Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2022); 2022-08-29 -- 2022-09-02} }
- C. Gerdenitsch, A. Sackl, and P. Hold, “Augmented reality assisted assembly: an action regulation theory perspective on performance and user experience,” International journal of industrial ergonomics, 2022.
[Bibtex]@article{AIT-150658, author = {Gerdenitsch, Cornelia and Sackl, Andreas and Hold, Philipp}, title = {Augmented Reality Assisted Assembly: An Action Regulation Theory Perspective on Performance and User Experience}, journal = {International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics}, year = {2022}, note = {zur Ver{\"o}ffentlichung angenommen} }
- R. Schatz and A. Sackl, Quality of experience – understanding quality from an end-user perspective, 2022.
[Bibtex]@unpublished{AIT-150629, author = {Schatz, Raimund and Sackl, Andreas}, title = {Quality of Experience - Understanding Quality from an End-user Perspective}, year = {2022}, keywords = {2. Quartal 2022}, note = {eingeladen; Vortrag: HCI Lecture Series - Date 3, Paris Lodron Universit{\"a}t Salzburg; 2022-05-23} }
- A. Sackl, R. Schatz, and M. Tscheligi, “Use and even recommend? acceptance modeling of a smartphone launcher app for elderly users,” in Human-computer-interaction – interact 2021, Cham, 2021, p. 290–294.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{sackl_interact_2021, author="Sackl, Andreas and Schatz, Raimund and Tscheligi, Manfred", editor="Ardito, Carmelo and Lanzilotti, Rosa and Malizia, Alessio and Petrie, Helen and Piccinno, Antonio and Desolda, Giuseppe and Inkpen, Kori", title="Use and Even Recommend? Acceptance Modeling of a Smartphone Launcher App for Elderly Users", booktitle="Human-Computer-Interaction -- INTERACT 2021", year="2021", publisher="Springer International Publishing", address="Cham", pages="290--294", abstract="In this paper, we demonstrate how to utilize acceptance modeling in UX optimization via an adapted Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), which was applied in an industrial software development context. We evaluated a new Android launcher application that changes the user interface of smartphones to better match the needs of elderly users. Our findings show, that the factor ``Usefulness'' has the highest relevance and should be prioritized in both further product improvements and marketing processes. Furthermore, it is necessary to include the additional acceptance output variable ``Intention to recommend'' to determine successful communication strategies. We encourage researchers and practitioners to use context-specific technology acceptance models in software development processes to ensure adaption in the relevant target group.", isbn="978-3-030-85607-6" }
J. Himmelsbach, K. De Moor, A. Sackl, R. Schatz, and M. Tscheligi, “The weirdness of qoe research: the diversity of qomex authorship considering locality and gender,” in 2021 13th international conference on quality of multimedia experience (qomex), 2021, pp. 193-196.
[Bibtex]@INPROCEEDINGS{sackl_qomex_2021, author={Himmelsbach, Julia and De Moor, Katrien and Sackl, Andreas and Schatz, Raimund and Tscheligi, Manfred}, booktitle={2021 13th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX)}, title={The WEIRDness of QoE research: The diversity of QoMEX authorship considering locality and gender}, year={2021}, volume={}, number={}, pages={193-196}, doi={10.1109/QoMEX51781.2021.9465413}}
C. Brunner, G. Eibl, P. Fröhlich, A. Sackl, and D. Engel, “Who stores the private key? an exploratory study about user preferences of key management for blockchain-based applications,” in 7th international conference on information systems security and privacy (icissp 2021), 2021, pp. 23-32.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{sackl_icissp2021, author = {Brunner, Clemens and Eibl, Günther and Fröhlich, Peter and Sackl, Andreas and Engel, Dominik}, booktitle={7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2021)}, year = {2021}, month = {01}, pages = {23-32}, title = {Who Stores the Private Key? An Exploratory Study about User Preferences of Key Management for Blockchain-based Applications}, doi = {10.5220/0010173200230032} }
- C. S. R. T. M. Sackl Andreas; Vogelauer, “The project optivid. digital video enhancement for visually impaired users,” in Imc17 – international mobility conference 2021, Gothenburg, 2021.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{sackl_imc172021, author = {Sackl, Andreas; Vogelauer, Christian; Schatz, Raimund; Tscheligi, Manfred}, title = {The project OptiVID. Digital video enhancement for visually impaired users}, booktitle = {IMC17 - International Mobility Conference 2021}, year = {2021}, address = {Gothenburg}, month = {April} }
- A. S. R. S. B. G. M. Tscheligi, “Enhancing video communication experience for low vision users,” in Proceedings of the 18th international web for all conference, New York, NY, USA, 2021.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{sackl_web4all2021, author = {Andreas Sackl; Raimund Schatz; Bruno Gardlo; Manfred Tscheligi}, title = {Enhancing Video Communication Experience for Low Vision Users}, year = {2021}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th International Web for All Conference}, location = {Ljubljana, Slovenia}, series = {W4A '20} }
A. Sackl, F. Graf, R. Schatz, and M. Tscheligi, “Ensuring accessibility: individual video playback enhancements for low vision users,” in The 22nd international acm sigaccess conference on computers and accessibility, New York, NY, USA, 2020.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{sackl_assets2020, author = {Sackl, Andreas and Graf, Franziska and Schatz, Raimund and Tscheligi, Manfred}, title = {Ensuring Accessibility: Individual Video Playback Enhancements for Low Vision Users}, year = {2020}, isbn = {9781450371032}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, url = {}, doi = {10.1145/3373625.3417997}, abstract = {Although software products are becoming increasingly accessible and assistive tools like screen readers becoming widely available, people with low vision still face insufficient support when it comes to consumption of digital video content. In this paper, we present an accessible desktop video player software, which allows people with low vision to adapt the presentation of digital videos according to their specific needs. For visual enhancement, we implemented a broad range of image manipulation techniques, like adaptation of contrast, color manipulation (e.g. inverting, grey scale transformations) and edge detection algorithms for sharpness optimization. Based on the feedback from low vision users, we discuss how to implement enhancement filter configuration and how to consider several input modalities.}, booktitle = {The 22nd International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility}, articleno = {67}, numpages = {4}, keywords = {Accessibility, Low Vision, Video Enhancement}, location = {Virtual Event, Greece}, series = {ASSETS '20} }
A. Sackl, R. Schatz, S. Suette, and M. Tscheligi, “From low vision to high quality: video qoe enhancement for visually impaired users,” in 2019 eleventh international conference on quality of multimedia experience (qomex), 2019, pp. 1-6.
[Bibtex]@INPROCEEDINGS{sackl_qomex2019, author={A. {Sackl} and R. {Schatz} and S. {Suette} and M. {Tscheligi}}, booktitle={2019 Eleventh International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX)}, title={From Low Vision to High Quality: Video QoE Enhancement for Visually Impaired Users}, year={2019}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1-6}, keywords={handicapped aids;human computer interaction;image enhancement;Internet;multimedia computing;quality of experience;video signal processing;video streaming;video QoE enhancement;visually impaired users;real-time video enhancement techniques;visual performance;real-time video enhancements;edge enhancement;lvideo QoE;video quality enhancement filters;Web-based media player;Video QoE;Low Vision;Quality Enhancement;User Study;Video manipulation;Special needs}, doi={10.1109/QoMEX.2019.8743323}, ISSN={2372-7179}, month={June},}
S. Thiel, P. Fröhlich, and A. Sackl, “Nutzerorientierte gestaltung von interaktiver e-partizipation,” in Digitale bürgerbeteiligung: forschung und praxis – chancen und herausforderungen der elektronischen partizipation, M. Leitner, Ed., Wiesbaden: Springer fachmedien wiesbaden, 2018, p. 127–161.
[Bibtex]@Inbook{Thiel2018, author="Thiel, Sarah-Kristin and Fr{\"o}hlich, Peter and Sackl, Andreas", editor="Leitner, Maria", title="Nutzerorientierte Gestaltung von interaktiver E-Partizipation", bookTitle="Digitale B{\"u}rgerbeteiligung: Forschung und Praxis -- Chancen und Herausforderungen der elektronischen Partizipation", year="2018", publisher="Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden", address="Wiesbaden", pages="127--161", abstract="In den letzten Jahren wurde die Literatur rund um B{\"u}rgerbeteiligung von der Aussage dominiert, die Besorgnis erregend hohe Nichtbeteiligung an {\"o}ffentlichen Vorg{\"a}ngen und Entscheidungen l{\"a}ge einerseits an den Zugangsbeschr{\"a}nkungen traditioneller Beteiligungsprozesse und anderseits am generellen Nichtinteresse von B{\"u}rgerInnen an Politik. Um dem entgegenzuwirken, wurden digitale (meist webbasierte) Beteiligungsplattformen geschaffen. Bisherige Erfahrungen mit herk{\"o}mmlichen webbasierten Plattformen zeigen aber in der Regel, dass sie noch nicht gen{\"u}gend Aktivit{\"a}t unter B{\"u}rgerInnen stimulieren, um ma{\ss}geblichen Einfluss auf Politik und politische Prozesse nehmen zu k{\"o}nnen. Daher wird nun versucht, neue Wege in Sachen digitaler B{\"u}rgerbeteiligung zu gehen sowie auch neuartige Medien und Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT) und Konzepte (wie z. B. offene Daten) zu nutzen. Um den Trend aufzugreifen, dass immer mehr Menschen sich in sozialen Netzwerken politisch engagieren und ihre Meinung {\"a}u{\ss}ern, wird nun versucht, Eigenschaften von diesen Medien auf B{\"u}rgerbeteiligungsplattformen zu {\"u}bertragen. Dieses Kapitel gibt einen {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber aktuelle Ans{\"a}tze IKT-L{\"o}sungen sowie unterschiedliche Medien und Ger{\"a}te zur F{\"o}rderung der B{\"u}rgerbeteiligung einzusetzen. Diese Ans{\"a}tze werden kritisch im Hinblick auf eine Reihe bekannter Herausforderungen digitaler B{\"u}rgerbeteiligung beleuchtet. Darauf aufbauend erfolgt ein {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber Ans{\"a}tze, die bisherige Schwachpunkte digitaler B{\"u}rgerbeteiligung zu adressieren versprechen (z. B. persuasive Strategien und automatisches Feedback).", isbn="978-3-658-21621-4", doi="10.1007/978-3-658-21621-4_6", url="" }
P. Fröhlich, A. Sackl, S. Trösterer, A. Meschtscherjakov, L. Diamond, and M. Tscheligi, “Acceptance factors for future workplaces in highly automated trucks,” in Proceedings of the 10th international conference on automotive user interfaces and interactive vehicular applications, New York, NY, USA, 2018, p. 129–136.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{sackl2018_autoui, author = {Fr\"{o}hlich, Peter and Sackl, Andreas and Tr\"{o}sterer, Sandra and Meschtscherjakov, Alexander and Diamond, Lisa and Tscheligi, Manfred}, title = {Acceptance Factors for Future Workplaces in Highly Automated Trucks}, year = {2018}, isbn = {9781450359467}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, url = {}, doi = {10.1145/3239060.3240446}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications}, pages = {129–136}, numpages = {8}, keywords = {technology acceptance, Automated driving, TAM, future workplaces, user experience, autonomous driving}, location = {Toronto, ON, Canada}, series = {AutomotiveUI ’18} }
- A. Sackl, S. Thiel, P. Fröhlich, and M. Tscheligi, ““thanks for your input. we will get back to you shortly.” how to design automated feedback in location-based citizen participation systems,” in Progress in location based services 2018, Cham, 2018, p. 257–268.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{sackl2018feedbackLBS, author="Sackl, Andreas and Thiel, Sarah-Kristin and Fr{\"o}hlich, Peter and Tscheligi, Manfred", editor="Kiefer, Peter and Huang, Haosheng and Van de Weghe, Nico and Raubal, Martin", title="``Thanks for Your Input. We Will Get Back to You Shortly.'' How to Design Automated Feedback in Location-Based Citizen Participation Systems", booktitle="Progress in Location Based Services 2018", year="2018", publisher="Springer International Publishing", address="Cham", pages="257--268", abstract="Location-based citizen participation systems have so far mostly been characterized by mediated human-to-human communication between citizens, authorities and other stakeholders. However, in the near future we will see more automatized feedback elements, which inform citizens about the expectable financial or legal implications of their requests. We conducted an experiment to provide research-driven guidance for interaction design in this application context. Thirty participants submitted tree planting proposals with an experimental prototype that varied along the dimensions immediacy, implicitness, and precision. They rated the different forms of provided automatic feedback with regard to satisfaction, and they ranked them in a subsequent card sorting trial. The results show that users have considerably high expectations towards the immediacy and precision of automated feedback, regardless of the inherently higher responsiveness compared to human-operated participation systems. With regard to interaction design, results indicate that the automatically processed information should be made available as early and as possible to users.", isbn="978-3-319-71470-7" }
- F. Knirsch, D. Engel, P. Fröhlich, and A. Sackl, “Applications of Blockchain in the Energy Distribution Systems,” in Comforen 2018 – 9. symposium communications for energy systems, 2018, pp. 45-53.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{sackl2018_comforen, author = {Fabian Knirsch and Dominik Engel and Peter Fröhlich and Andreas Sackl}, title = {{A}pplications of {B}lockchain in the {E}nergy {D}istribution {S}ystems}, booktitle = {ComForEn 2018 - 9. Symposium Communications for Energy Systems}, year = {2018}, number = {93}, pages = {45-53}, month = oct, organization = {Österreichischer Verband für Elektrotechnik}, abstract = {Blockchain applications are gaining widespread interest in the energy domain due to their decentralized and audit-proof nature. In the distribution system and in the user domain, blockchain-based applications aim at fostering a tighter integration of customers. In the course of establishing a smart grid, where energy is to a great extent produced from decentralized and privately owned power plants, customers actively participate in both, the creation and the consumption of energy. In this work, (i) the objectives and insights from the FFG ProChain project are discussed; and (ii) the prototypical implementation of a blockchain for a selected use case are presented. The project analyzes the potential and the challenges of blockchain technology in the distribution system, as well as the degree of customer participation. For the selected use case of sharing energy from privately owned photo voltaic power plants, a proto-typical blockchain is implemented and the challenges and insights gained from such an im-plementation are shown.}, }
- J. P. A. S. A. S. P. F. S. T. Zaheer Khan Jens Dambruch, “Developing knowledge based citizen participation platform to support smart city decision making: the smarticipate case study,” Information, vol. 8, iss. 2, p. 47, 2017.
[Bibtex]@Article{sackl2017developing, author = {Zaheer Khan, Jens Dambruch, Jan Peters-Anders, Andreas Sackl, Anton Strasser, Peter Fröhlich, Simon Templer}, title = {Developing Knowledge based Citizen Participation Platform to Support Smart City Decision Making: The Smarticipate Case Study}, journal = {Information}, year = {2017}, volume = {8}, number = {2}, pages = {47}, }
A. Sackl, R. Schatz, and A. Raake, “More than i ever wanted or just good enough? user expectations and subjective quality perception in the context of networked multimedia services,” Quality and user experience, vol. 2, iss. 1, p. 3, 2017.
[Bibtex]@Article{sackl2017expectations, author="Sackl, A. and Schatz, R. and Raake, A.", title="More than I ever wanted or just good enough? User expectations and subjective quality perception in the context of networked multimedia services", journal="Quality and User Experience", year="2017", month="Feb", day="09", volume="2", number="1", pages="3", abstract="This article addresses the overall relevance and the influence of user expectations in the context of perceptual quality evaluation of technical systems, and how information about individual expectations can be integrated into research on Quality of Experience (QoE). Based on a literature survey on expectations in the fields of psychology, service quality and consumer satisfaction theory, an existing conceptual QoE perception model is extended by explicitly including desired and adequate expectations in the quality perception process. A direct expectation assessment paradigm is proposed that uses dedicated questionnaires. Further, it is shown how expectation-related knowledge can be used to increase the accuracy of quality prediction models. In addition, experimental setups are presented that enable controlled triggering of expectations in user studies. It is discussed how the role of expectations for QoE can be investigated in future research as well as how to further validate the proposed methods.", issn="2366-0147", doi="10.1007/s41233-016-0004-z", url="" }
R. Schatz, A. Sackl, C. Timmerer, and B. Gardlo, “Towards subjective quality of experience assessment for omnidirectional video streaming,” in 2017 ninth international conference on quality of multimedia experience (qomex), 2017, pp. 1-6.
[Bibtex]@INPROCEEDINGS{sackl2017omnidirect, author={R. Schatz and A. Sackl and C. Timmerer and B. Gardlo}, booktitle={2017 Ninth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX)}, title={Towards subjective quality of experience assessment for omnidirectional video streaming}, year={2017}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1-6}, keywords={helmet mounted displays;quality of experience;video signal processing;video streaming;virtual reality;360-degree videos;HMDs;QoE assessment;bandwidth intensive;head-mounted displays;immersive media technologies;interactive VR worlds;movie streaming;omnidirectional video streaming;panoramic spherical videos;quality of experience assessment;Context;Media;Streaming media;Three-dimensional displays;Transform coding;Two dimensional displays;360-degree Streaming;Immersive Media;Omnidirectional Video;Quality of Experience;Subjective Testing}, doi={10.1109/QoMEX.2017.7965657}, ISSN={}, month={May},}
- A. Sackl and R. Schatz, “Evaluating the impact of expectations on end-user quality perception,” in Proc. the fourth international workshop on perceptual quality of systems (pqs 2013), Vienna, Austria, 2017.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Sackl2017EvaluatingTI, author = {Andreas Sackl and Raimund Schatz}, title = {Evaluating the impact of expectations on end-user quality perception}, booktitle = {Proc. The Fourth International Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems (PQS 2013)}, year = {2017}, address = {Vienna, Austria}, }
P. Casas, M. Seufert, F. Wamser, B. Gardlo, A. Sackl, and R. Schatz, “Next to you: monitoring quality of experience in cellular networks from the end-devices,” Ieee transactions on network and service management, vol. 13, iss. 2, pp. 181-196, 2016.
[Bibtex]@ARTICLE{sackl2016celluar, author={P. Casas and M. Seufert and F. Wamser and B. Gardlo and A. Sackl and R. Schatz}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management}, title={Next to You: Monitoring Quality of Experience in Cellular Networks From the End-Devices}, year={2016}, volume={13}, number={2}, pages={181-196}, keywords={online front-ends;quality of experience;smart phones;social networking (online);Chrome;Facebook;Google Maps;Internet access;Web browsing;WhatsApp;YouTube;access bandwidth;access latency;cellular network operators;crowd-sourced feedback;end-device passive measurements;mobile devices;network measurements;quality of experience monitoring;smartphones;Bandwidth;Mobile communication;Monitoring;Quality of service;Smart phones;YouTube;Crowdsourcing;End-device Measurements;Field Trial;Mobile Apps;QoE;Smartphones;Subjective Lab Tests;YoMoApp;crowdsourcing;end-device measurements;field trial;mobile apps;smartphones;subjective lab tests}, doi={10.1109/TNSM.2016.2537645}, ISSN={1932-4537}, month={June},}
E. Liotou, R. Schatz, A. Sackl, P. Casas, D. Tsolkas, N. Passas, and L. Merakos, “The beauty of consistency in radio-scheduling decisions,” in 2016 ieee globecom workshops (gc wkshps), 2016, pp. 1-6.
[Bibtex]@INPROCEEDINGS{sackl2016beauty, author={E. Liotou and R. Schatz and A. Sackl and P. Casas and D. Tsolkas and N. Passas and L. Merakos}, booktitle={2016 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps)}, title={The Beauty of Consistency in Radio-Scheduling Decisions}, year={2016}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1-6}, keywords={quality of experience;beauty of consistency;interactive applications;quality of experience domain;radio-scheduling decisions;throughput fluctuations;user-perceived QoE;Bandwidth;Fluctuations;Measurement;Mobile communication;Quality of service;Scheduling algorithms;Throughput}, doi={10.1109/GLOCOMW.2016.7849059}, ISSN={}, month={Dec},}
- A. Sackl, B. Gardlo, and R. Schatz, “Size does matter. comparing the results of a lab and a crowdsourcing file download qoe study.” 2016.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{sackl2016size, title={Size does Matter. Comparing the Results of a Lab and a Crowdsourcing File Download QoE Study}, author={Andreas Sackl and Bruno Gardlo and Raimund Schatz}, year={2016} }
A. Sackl, R. Schatz, T. Hossfeld, F. Metzger, D. Lister, and R. Irmer, “Qoe management made uneasy: the case of cloud gaming,” in 2016 ieee international conference on communications workshops (icc), 2016, pp. 492-497.
[Bibtex]@INPROCEEDINGS{sackl2016cloudgaming, author={A. Sackl and R. Schatz and T. Hossfeld and F. Metzger and D. Lister and R. Irmer}, booktitle={2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC)}, title={QoE Management made uneasy: The case of Cloud Gaming}, year={2016}, volume={}, number={}, pages={492-497}, keywords={cloud computing;computer games;quality of experience;quality of service;QoE management;QoE sensitivity;cloud gaming QoE;end-to-end approach;future Internet infrastructures;latency detection;latency management;resource requirements;static network QoS demands;structured information exchange;user delay-sensitivity;user-application-related factors;Delays;Distance measurement;Servers;Streaming media}, doi={10.1109/ICCW.2016.7503835}, ISSN={}, month={May},}
- F. P. Thiel S.-K. and A. Sackl, “Experiences from a living lab trialling a mobile participation platform,” in Proceedings of the 21st international conference on urban planning, regional development and information society, Hamburg, 2016, pp. 263-272.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{sackl2016livinglab, author = {Thiel, S.-K., Fröhlich, P. and Sackl, A}, title = {Experiences from a Living Lab Trialling a Mobile Participation Platform}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society}, year = {2016}, editor = {Schrenk, M., Popovich, V. V., Zeile, P., Elisei, P. and Beyer, C.}, pages = {263-272}, address = {Hamburg}, month = jun, }
- S. K. R. . W. A. Sackl F. Roland and L. Kastner, “Computer-supported control center systems and mobile apps in the context of disaster management,” in In proc. idimt – interdisciplinary information and management talks, Poděbrady, Czech Republic, 2015.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{sackl2015disaster, author = {A. Sackl, F. Roland, R. Schatz, W. Kampichler, and L. Kastner}, title = {Computer-supported control center systems and mobile apps in the context of disaster management}, booktitle = {In Proc. IDIMT – Interdisciplinary Information and Management Talks}, year = {2015}, address = {Poděbrady, Czech Republic}, }
A. Sackl and R. Schatz, “The influence of user decisions on subjective quality assessment ratings,” in 2015 ieee international conference on communication workshop (iccw), 2015, pp. 1687-1692.
[Bibtex]@INPROCEEDINGS{sackl2015decisions, author={A. Sackl and R. Schatz}, booktitle={2015 IEEE International Conference on Communication Workshop (ICCW)}, title={The influence of user decisions on subjective quality assessment ratings}, year={2015}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1687-1692}, keywords={online front-ends;quality of experience;video streaming;QoE modelling;Web browsing;quality of experience;service consumption;subjective quality assessment rating;user decision influence;video stream;Bandwidth;Delays;Downlink;Google;Portable computers;Quality assessment;Streaming media}, doi={10.1109/ICCW.2015.7247423}, ISSN={2164-7038}, month={June},}
P. Casas, A. Sackl, R. Schatz, L. Janowski, J. Turk, and R. Irmer, “On the quest for new kpis in mobile networks: the impact of throughput fluctuations on qoe,” in 2015 ieee international conference on communication workshop (iccw), 2015, pp. 1705-1710.
[Bibtex]@INPROCEEDINGS{sackl2015fluctuationsKPI, author={P. Casas and A. Sackl and R. Schatz and L. Janowski and J. Turk and R. Irmer}, booktitle={2015 IEEE International Conference on Communication Workshop (ICCW)}, title={On the quest for new KPIs in mobile networks: The impact of throughput fluctuations on QoE}, year={2015}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1705-1710}, keywords={mobile radio;quality of experience;quality of service;telecommunication traffic;Facebook;Gmaps;KPI;QoE;QoS;YouTube;average downlink throughput;bandwidth-sensitive services;controlled subjective lab tests;key performance indicator;mobile networks;mobile users;quality of experience;quality of service;throughput fluctuations;traffic analysis;Bandwidth;Downlink;Mobile communication;Mobile computing;Streaming media;Throughput;YouTube;Mobile Networks;Quality Fluctuations;Quality of Experience;Throughput Fluctuations;Traffic Measurements;Web Browsing;YouTube}, doi={10.1109/ICCW.2015.7247426}, ISSN={2164-7038}, month={June},}
A. Sackl, P. Casas, R. Schatz, L. Janowski, and R. Irmer, “Quantifying the impact of network bandwidth fluctuations and outages on web qoe,” in 2015 seventh international workshop on quality of multimedia experience (qomex), 2015, pp. 1-6.
[Bibtex]@INPROCEEDINGS{sackl2015fluctuationsquantifying, author={A. Sackl and P. Casas and R. Schatz and L. Janowski and R. Irmer}, booktitle={2015 Seventh International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX)}, title={Quantifying the impact of network bandwidth fluctuations and outages on Web QoE}, year={2015}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1-6}, keywords={Internet;computer network management;quality of experience;Web QoE;network bandwidth fluctuation;network bandwidth outage;network management process;network performance;network planning;network quality variation;quality of experience;repetitive testing-condition;subjective quality testing;Bandwidth;Decision support systems;Fluctuations;Silicon compounds;Bandwidth Fluctuations;Bandwidth Outages;Quality Fluctuations;Quality of Experience;Web QoE}, doi={10.1109/QoMEX.2015.7148078}, ISSN={}, month={May},}
P. A. Kara, L. Bokor, A. Sackl, and M. Mourão, “What your phone makes you see: investigation of the effect of end-user devices on the assessment of perceived multimedia quality,” in 2015 seventh international workshop on quality of multimedia experience (qomex), 2015, pp. 1-6.
[Bibtex]@INPROCEEDINGS{sackl2015phone, author={P. A. Kara and L. Bokor and A. Sackl and M. Mourão}, booktitle={2015 Seventh International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX)}, title={What your phone makes you see: Investigation of the effect of end-user devices on the assessment of perceived multimedia quality}, year={2015}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1-6}, keywords={cognition;human factors;mobile computing;multimedia computing;quality of experience;video streaming;QoE;cognitive bias;cognitive dissonance;end-user devices;human factors;measurement scales;mobile streaming multimedia quality;perceived multimedia quality assessment;quality of experience;service success;service value;streaming quality perception;video streaming quality evaluation;Atmospheric measurements;Cognition;Multimedia communication;Particle measurements;Quality assessment;Streaming media;Visualization;Quality of Experience (QoE);cognitive dissonance;mobile handhelds;perception of quality;streaming multimedia}, doi={10.1109/QoMEX.2015.7148132}, ISSN={}, month={May},}
P. Zwickl, P. Reichl, L. Skorin-Kapov, O. Dobrijevic, and A. Sackl, “On the approximation of isp and user utilities from quality of experience,” in 2015 seventh international workshop on quality of multimedia experience (qomex), 2015, pp. 1-6.
[Bibtex]@INPROCEEDINGS{sackl2015utilities, author={P. Zwickl and P. Reichl and L. Skorin-Kapov and O. Dobrijevic and A. Sackl}, booktitle={2015 Seventh International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX)}, title={On the approximation of ISP and user utilities from quality of experience}, year={2015}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1-6}, keywords={quality of experience;video on demand;ISP approximation;QoE materials;network quality research;quality degradation;quality of experience;service degradation;technology-driven viewpoint;user utilities;user-driven viewpoint;utility-centric perspective;video on demand services;Approximation methods;Bit rate;Cognition;Degradation;High definition video;Quality of service;Switches;Approximation;Market;Quality of Experience;Utility;Willingness-To-Pay}, doi={10.1109/QoMEX.2015.7148092}, ISSN={}, month={May},}
- “Reference webpage for subjective testing etsi ts 103 256,” , 2015.
[Bibtex]@Standard{sackl2015etsi, title = {Reference webpage for subjective testing ETSI TS 103 256}, organization = {ETSI Technical Specification}, institution = {Speech and multimedia Transmission Quality (STQ)}, year = {2015}, }
P. Casas, P. Fiadino, A. Sackl, and A. D’Alconzo, “Youtube in the move: understanding the performance of youtube in cellular networks,” in 2014 ifip wireless days (wd), 2014, pp. 1-6.
[Bibtex]@INPROCEEDINGS{sackl2014youtube, author={P. Casas and P. Fiadino and A. Sackl and A. D'Alconzo}, booktitle={2014 IFIP Wireless Days (WD)}, title={YouTube in the move: Understanding the performance of YouTube in cellular networks}, year={2014}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1-6}, keywords={quality of experience;social networking (online);telecommunication traffic;vehicular ad hoc networks;video streaming;HTTP video streaming services;Internet;QoE metrics;YouTube traffic;cellular networks;content delivery network hosting YouTube;end user device measurements;end-user Quality of Experience;mobile operators;traffic encryption;traffic visibility loss;volume dominant service;Google;IP networks;Monitoring;Servers;Streaming media;Throughput;YouTube;Cellular Networks;Content Delivery Networks;End-device Measurements;QoE;Traffic Measurements;YouTube}, doi={10.1109/WD.2014.7020798}, ISSN={2156-9711}, month={Nov},}
P. Casas, A. Sackl, S. Egger, and R. Schatz, “Characterizing microsoft lync online in mobile networks: a quality of experience perspective,” in 2014 ieee 3rd international conference on cloud networking (cloudnet), 2014, pp. 344-349.
[Bibtex]@INPROCEEDINGS{sackl2014lync, author={P. Casas and A. Sackl and S. Egger and R. Schatz}, booktitle={2014 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Cloud Networking (CloudNet)}, title={Characterizing Microsoft Lync Online in mobile networks: a Quality of Experience perspective}, year={2014}, volume={}, number={}, pages={344-349}, keywords={cloud computing;control engineering computing;mobile computing;quality of experience;quality of service;teleconferencing;telecontrol;video communication;virtual reality;ISP;MLO cloud service;MLO user;Microsoft lync online;QoE feedback;TRC cloud services;TRC service;access network;audio calls;audioconferencing;cloud provider;cloud-based service;cloud-based systems;default system;desktop sharing;end-to-end QoS;mobile networks;network performance;network requirements;network-level characterization;online meeting capability;quality of experience;service quality;telepresence and remote collaboration service;video-conferencing;videoconferencing;Cloud computing;Collaboration;Quality of service;Servers;Standards;Teleconferencing;Throughput;Audioconferencing;Cloud QoE;Distributed Data Center;MOS;Microsoft Lync Online;Remote Desktop Sharing;Telepresence;Videoconferencing}, doi={10.1109/CloudNet.2014.6969019}, ISSN={}, month={Oct},}
A. Sackl and R. Schatz, “Evaluating the influence of expectations, price and content selection on video quality perception,” in 2014 sixth international workshop on quality of multimedia experience (qomex), 2014, pp. 93-98.
[Bibtex]@INPROCEEDINGS{sackl2014influence, author={A. Sackl and R. Schatz}, booktitle={2014 Sixth International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX)}, title={Evaluating the influence of expectations, price and content selection on video quality perception}, year={2014}, volume={}, number={}, pages={93-98}, keywords={budgeting;decision making;economics;human factors;pricing;quality of experience;video signal processing;QoE assessment;clip duration;content selection;decision making agents;economic scenarios;monetary budgets;passive consumers;price selection;quality of experience;quality pricing;system under test;video quality perception;Context;Economics;Mathematical model;Motion pictures;Quality assessment;Streaming media;Video recording;Economic Decisions;Quality of Experience;Subjective Testing Methodologies;Video Quality;Willingness to Pay}, doi={10.1109/QoMEX.2014.6982302}, ISSN={}, month={Sept},}
A. Sackl, S. Egger, and R. Schatz, “The influence of network quality fluctuations on web qoe,” in 2014 sixth international workshop on quality of multimedia experience (qomex), 2014, pp. 123-128.
[Bibtex]@INPROCEEDINGS{sackl2014fluctuationsWeb, author={A. Sackl and S. Egger and R. Schatz}, booktitle={2014 Sixth International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX)}, title={The influence of network quality fluctuations on Web QoE}, year={2014}, volume={}, number={}, pages={123-128}, keywords={Web sites;quality of experience;Google Maps;News Site;Web QOE;Web applications;alternation frequency;interactive applications;lab experiments;network quality fluctuations;performance variations;quality evaluation;user-perceived quality;Conferences;Google;Multimedia communication;Quality of service;Streaming media;Switches;Throughput;Quality Fluctuations;Quality of Experience;Web QoE}, doi={10.1109/QoMEX.2014.6982307}, ISSN={}, month={Sept},}
A. Sackl and R. Schatz, “Got what you want? modeling expectations to enhance web qoe prediction,” in 2014 sixth international workshop on quality of multimedia experience (qomex), 2014, pp. 57-58.
[Bibtex]@INPROCEEDINGS{sackl2014expectations, author={A. Sackl and R. Schatz}, booktitle={2014 Sixth International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX)}, title={Got what you want? Modeling expectations to enhance web QoE prediction}, year={2014}, volume={}, number={}, pages={57-58}, keywords={Internet;Web sites;human factors;quality of experience;QoE assessment;QoE community;QoE modeling;Web QOE prediction enhancement;expectation modeling;exponential Web QoE models;quality perception;Bandwidth;Context;Data models;Downlink;Mathematical model;Predictive models;Quality of service;Expectations;QoE Modeling;Quality of Experience;Web Applications}, doi={10.1109/QoMEX.2014.6982291}, ISSN={}, month={Sept},}
- P. Zwickl, P. Reichl, and A. Sackl, “The 15 commandments of market entrance pricing for differentiated network services: an antagonistic analysis of human vs. market,” in Measurement, modelling, and evaluation of computing systems and dependability and fault tolerance, Cham, 2014, p. 162–176.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{sackl2014commandments, author="Zwickl, Patrick and Reichl, Peter and Sackl, Andreas", editor="Fischbach, Kai and Krieger, Udo R.", title="The 15 Commandments of Market Entrance Pricing for Differentiated Network Services: An Antagonistic Analysis of Human vs. Market", booktitle="Measurement, Modelling, and Evaluation of Computing Systems and Dependability and Fault Tolerance", year="2014", publisher="Springer International Publishing", address="Cham", pages="162--176", abstract="Confronted with soaring IP traffic demands and unsatisfying revenue prospects, charging and tariffing alternatives are about to regain significant attention in the telecommunications industry. While classical revenue optimization and customer perceptions, i.e., Quality of Experience (QoE), has been largely investigated by now, the understanding of customer valuations, i.e., willingness-to-pay, is still far from being sufficient. Hence, this paper revisits and extends the charging ecosystem by unifying empirically-backed demand and expenditure considerations with supply-side revenue optimization, and pays specific attention to the market introduction of new services, such as quality-differentiated network services. Finally, a series of (partially antagonistic) conclusions for Network Service Providers (NSPs) are derived and discussed.", isbn="978-3-319-05359-2" }
- R. S. Andreas Sackl, “Modelling qoe and wtp in the context of vod services ftw-techreport-137,” FTW Forschungszentrum Telekommunikation Wien, Donau-City-Strasse 1, Vienna, Austria 2014.
[Bibtex]@TechReport{sackl2014techreport, author = {Andreas Sackl, Raimund Schatz}, title = {Modelling QoE and WTP in the context of VoD services FTW-TECHREPORT-137}, institution = {FTW Forschungszentrum Telekommunikation Wien}, year = {2014}, address = {Donau-City-Strasse 1, Vienna, Austria}, }
P. Zwickl, A. Sackl, and P. Reichl, “Market entrance, user interaction and willingness-to-pay: exploring fundamentals of qoe-based charging for vod services,” in 2013 ieee global communications conference (globecom), 2013, pp. 1310-1316.
[Bibtex]@INPROCEEDINGS{sackl2013entrance, author={P. Zwickl and A. Sackl and P. Reichl}, booktitle={2013 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)}, title={Market entrance, user interaction and willingness-to-pay: Exploring fundamentals of QoE-based charging for VoD services}, year={2013}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1310-1316}, keywords={high definition video;pricing;quality of experience;video on demand;NSP;QoE-based charging recommendations;VoD markets;VoD services;high definition video on demand services;market entrance pricing strategies;maximum willingness-to-pay;network service providers;quality of experience;quality optimization;user interaction;Motion pictures;Pricing;Quality assessment;Quality of service;Reliability;Streaming media;Video recording;Market Entrance;Net Neutrality;Network Economics;Quality of Experience;Willingness-to-Pay}, doi={10.1109/GLOCOM.2013.6831255}, ISSN={1930-529X}, month={Dec},}
A. Sackl, P. Zwickl, and P. Reichl, “The trouble with choice: an empirical study to investigate the influence of charging strategies and content selection on qoe,” in Proceedings of the 9th international conference on network and service management (cnsm 2013), 2013, pp. 298-303.
[Bibtex]@INPROCEEDINGS{sackl2013trouble, author={A. Sackl and P. Zwickl and P. Reichl}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM 2013)}, title={The trouble with choice: An empirical study to investigate the influence of charging strategies and content selection on QoE}, year={2013}, volume={}, number={}, pages={298-303}, keywords={pricing;quality of experience;video on demand;QoE based charging mechanism;charging strategy;content selection;payment strategy;quality decisions;quality evaluation;video on demand scenario;Bit rate;Conferences;Motion pictures;Pricing;Quality assessment;Streaming media;Video recording}, doi={10.1109/CNSM.2013.6727850}, ISSN={2165-9605}, month={Oct},}
- H. T. Sackl A. Seufert M., “Asking costs little? the impact of tasks in video qoe studies on user behavior and user ratings,” in Proc. the fourth international workshop on perceptual quality of systems (pqs 2013), Vienna, Austria, 2013.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{sackl2013asking, author = {Sackl A., Seufert M., Hoßfeld T.}, title = {Asking costs little? The impact of tasks in video QoE studies on user behavior and user ratings}, booktitle = {Proc. The Fourth International Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems (PQS 2013)}, year = {2013}, address = {Vienna, Austria}, }
P. Reichl, P. Maille, P. Zwickl, and A. Sackl, “A fixed-point model for qoe-based charging,” in Proceedings of the 2013 acm sigcomm workshop on future human-centric multimedia networking, New York, NY, USA, 2013, p. 33–38.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{sackl2013fixpoint, author = {Reichl, Peter and Maille, Patrick and Zwickl, Patrick and Sackl, Andreas}, title = {A Fixed-point Model for QoE-based Charging}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Future Human-centric Multimedia Networking}, series = {FhMN '13}, year = {2013}, isbn = {978-1-4503-2183-9}, location = {Hong Kong, China}, pages = {33--38}, numpages = {6}, url = {}, doi = {10.1145/2491172.2491176}, acmid = {2491176}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, keywords = {internet charging and pricing, network economics, quality of experience, quality of service}, }
A. Sackl, P. Zwickl, and P. Reichl, “Qoe alchemy 2.0: an improved test setup for the pecuniary bias of qoe,” in 2013 fifth international workshop on quality of multimedia experience (qomex), 2013, pp. 40-41.
[Bibtex]@INPROCEEDINGS{sackl2013alchemy, author={A. Sackl and P. Zwickl and P. Reichl}, booktitle={2013 Fifth International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX)}, title={QoE Alchemy 2.0: An improved test setup for the pecuniary bias of QoE}, year={2013}, volume={}, number={}, pages={40-41}, keywords={data analysis;quality of experience;video on demand;QoE Alchemy 2.0;data analysis routines;empirical testing;improved test setup;interactive video-on-demand scenario;monetary aspects;pecuniary bias;purchasing behaviors;quality of experience;Conferences;Motion pictures;Multimedia communication;Pricing;Quality assessment;Streaming media;Video recording;Network Economics;Quality of Experience;Willingness to pay}, doi={10.1109/QoMEX.2013.6603204}, ISSN={}, month={July},}
A. Sackl, S. Egger, and R. Schatz, “Where’s the music? comparing the qoe impact of temporal impairments between music and video streaming,” in 2013 fifth international workshop on quality of multimedia experience (qomex), 2013, pp. 64-69.
[Bibtex]@INPROCEEDINGS{sackl2013music, author={A. Sackl and S. Egger and R. Schatz}, booktitle={2013 Fifth International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX)}, title={Where's the music? comparing the QoE impact of temporal impairments between music and video streaming}, year={2013}, volume={}, number={}, pages={64-69}, keywords={cloud computing;music;quality of experience;video streaming;Deezer;QoE impact;Spotify service mock-up;YouTube;cloud-based media services;cloud-based video streaming services;music streaming services;quality of experience;service provider;temporal impairment;traffic volume;Conferences;Context;Delays;Media;Multimedia communication;Music;Streaming media;QoE;music streaming;temporal impairments;video streaming}, doi={10.1109/QoMEX.2013.6603212}, ISSN={}, month={July},}
- A. Sackl, “Vernetzung als soziales und technisches paradigma,” , M. W. Hajo Greif, Ed., Vs verlag, wiesbaden, 2012, pp. 169-186.
[Bibtex]@InBook{sackl2012risikowahrnehmung, chapter = {Risikowahrnehmung und Nutzungsverhalten in Computer Supported Social Networks am Beispiel StudiVZ}, pages = {169-186}, title = {Vernetzung als soziales und technisches Paradigma}, publisher = {VS Verlag, Wiesbaden}, year = {2012}, author = {Andreas Sackl}, editor = {Hajo Greif, Matthias Werner}, }
A. Sackl, P. Zwickl, S. Egger, and P. Reichl, “The role of cognitive dissonance for qoe evaluation of multimedia services,” in 2012 ieee globecom workshops, 2012, pp. 1352-1356.
[Bibtex]@INPROCEEDINGS{sackl2012dissonance, author={A. Sackl and P. Zwickl and S. Egger and P. Reichl}, booktitle={2012 IEEE Globecom Workshops}, title={The role of cognitive dissonance for QoE evaluation of multimedia services}, year={2012}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1352-1356}, keywords={multimedia communication;psychology;quality of experience;quality of service;social sciences;QoE evaluation;QoS-based charging;cognitive dissonance;multimedia services;quality of experience;socio-psychological theory;Biological system modeling;Economics;Pricing;Quality assessment;Quality of service;Streaming media;Video recording;Cognitive Dissonance;Network Economics;Quality of Experience;Willingness-to-Pay}, doi={10.1109/GLOCOMW.2012.6477779}, ISSN={2166-0077}, month={Dec},}
P. Casas, A. Sackl, S. Egger, and R. Schatz, “Youtube amp; facebook quality of experience in mobile broadband networks,” in 2012 ieee globecom workshops, 2012, pp. 1269-1274.
[Bibtex]@INPROCEEDINGS{sackl2012youtubefacebook, author={P. Casas and A. Sackl and S. Egger and R. Schatz}, booktitle={2012 IEEE Globecom Workshops}, title={YouTube amp; Facebook Quality of Experience in mobile broadband networks}, year={2012}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1269-1274}, keywords={Internet;broadband networks;cellular radio;computer network performance evaluation;data privacy;social networking (online);telecommunication traffic;Facebook quality of experience;Internet traffic volume;Internet users;QoE assessment;Web usage scenarios;YouTube quality of experience;cellular networks;content characterization;content monitoring;end-user perspective;laptops;load handling;mobile broadband networks;mobile broadband users;mobile operators;network conditions;network performance;network-layer QoS control;network-layer QoS monitoring;privacy issues;quality levels;research community;three-layered evaluation methodology;traffic shaping;user-centric approach;Facebook;Internet;Mobile communication;Monitoring;Portable computers;Streaming media;YouTube;3G/HSPA Networks;Acceptability;Facebook;Field Trial;MOS;Quality of Experience;Traffic and Application Monitoring;YouTube}, doi={10.1109/GLOCOMW.2012.6477764}, ISSN={2166-0077}, month={Dec},}
- S. E. S. O. G. A. . S. . R. . E. . K. Masuch K. Muehlegger M., “What you get is what you see? pretending facts in applied user ratings studies.,” in Proc. xxi biennial conference on human ethology, Vienna, Austria, 2012.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{, author = {Masuch K., Muehlegger M., Sackl A., Egger S., Schatz R., Oberzaucher E., Grammer K.}, title = {What you get is what you see? Pretending facts in applied user ratings studies.}, booktitle = {Proc. XXI Biennial Conference on Human Ethology}, year = {2012}, address = {Vienna, Austria}, }
A. Sackl, S. Egger, P. Zwickl, and P. Reichl, “The qoe alchemy: turning quality into money. experiences with a refined methodology for the evaluation of willingness-to-pay for service quality,” in 2012 fourth international workshop on quality of multimedia experience, 2012, pp. 170-175.
[Bibtex]@INPROCEEDINGS{sackl2012alchemy, author={A. Sackl and S. Egger and P. Zwickl and P. Reichl}, booktitle={2012 Fourth International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience}, title={The QoE alchemy: Turning quality into money. Experiences with a refined methodology for the evaluation of willingness-to-pay for service quality}, year={2012}, volume={}, number={}, pages={170-175}, keywords={image enhancement;quality of service;video on demand;QoE alchemy;QoS;content providers;enhanced video quality;network providers;network quality parameters;service quality;video on demand;willingness-to-pay;Bit rate;Delay;Motion pictures;Quality of service;TV;Video on demand;Quality of Experience;Quality of Service;Video on Demand;Willingness to Pay}, doi={10.1109/QoMEX.2012.6263846}, ISSN={}, month={July},}
A. Sackl, K. Masuch, S. Egger, and R. Schatz, “Wireless vs. wireline shootout: howuser expectations influence quality of experience,” in 2012 fourth international workshop on quality of multimedia experience, 2012, pp. 148-149.
[Bibtex]@INPROCEEDINGS{sackl2012wireless, author={A. Sackl and K. Masuch and S. Egger and R. Schatz}, booktitle={2012 Fourth International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience}, title={Wireless vs. wireline shootout: Howuser expectations influence quality of experience}, year={2012}, volume={}, number={}, pages={148-149}, keywords={Internet;broadband networks;radio access networks;telecommunication services;Internet connections;QoE influence factors;access network;broadband services;quality of experience;quality perception;technical network conditions;wireless context;wireless shootout;wireline shootout;Context;Internet;Labeling;Light emitting diodes;Portable computers;Switches;Wireless communication;Expectations;Methodology;Quality of Experience;Test;Video;Web QoE}, doi={10.1109/QoMEX.2012.6263882}, ISSN={}, month={July},}
A. Sackl, P. Zwickl, and P. Reichl, “From Quality of Experience to Willingness to Pay for Interconnection Service Quality,” in Networking Workshops (NETWORKING), Prague, Czech Republic, 2012, pp. 89-96.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{sackl2012wtp, author = {Sackl, Andreas and Zwickl, Patrick and Reichl, Peter}, title = {{From Quality of Experience to Willingness to Pay for Interconnection Service Quality}}, booktitle = {{Networking Workshops (NETWORKING)}}, year = {2012}, editor = {Zdenek Becvar and Robert Bestak and Lukas Kencl}, volume = {LNCS-7291}, series = {NETWORKING 2012 Workshops}, pages = {89-96}, address = {Prague, Czech Republic}, month = May, publisher = {{Springer}}, note = {Part 2: Economics and Technologies for Inter-Carrier Services}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-30039-4\_11}, file = {978-3-642-30039-4_11_Chapter.pdf:https\://}, hal_id = {hal-01533590}, hal_version = {v1}, keywords = {Quality of Service ; Quality of Experience ; Willingness to Pay ; Video on Demand}, url = {}, }
- A. Sackl, “Expectations, choices and price – towards an extended qoe-based traffic management approach,” in Proc. summer school for master and phd students on modeling and analysis of novel mechanisms in future internet applications, Wuerzburg, Germany, 2012.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{sackl2012phdschool, author = {Andreas Sackl}, title = {Expectations, Choices and Price – Towards an Extended QoE-based Traffic Management Approach}, booktitle = {Proc. Summer School for Master and PhD Students on Modeling and Analysis of Novel Mechanisms in Future Internet Applications}, year = {2012}, address = {Wuerzburg, Germany}, }
- A. Sackl, “Multiple datenpreisgabe als bedrohung der privatsphäre,” in 10. workshop zur qualitativen inhaltsanalyse qia2011, Velden, Austria, 2011.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{sackl2011privatsphaere, author = {Andreas Sackl}, title = {Multiple Datenpreisgabe als Bedrohung der Privatsphäre}, booktitle = {10. Workshop zur Qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse QiA2011}, year = {2011}, address = {Velden, Austria}, }
- A. Sackl, “Das puzzle design,” Transfer: werbeforschung und praxis, vol. 56, iss. 3, pp. 52-57, 2010.
[Bibtex]@Article{sackl2010puzzle, author = {Andreas Sackl}, title = {Das Puzzle Design}, journal = {transfer: Werbeforschung und Praxis}, year = {2010}, volume = {56}, number = {3}, pages = {52-57}, }
- A. Sackl, “Fundamentale risiken der datenerfassung,” Soziale technik, vol. 2, iss. 1, pp. 17-19, 2010.
[Bibtex]@Article{sackl2010risiken, author = {Andreas Sackl}, title = {Fundamentale Risiken der Datenerfassung}, journal = {Soziale Technik}, year = {2010}, volume = {2}, number = {1}, pages = {17-19}, }
- A. Sackl, “Risikowahrnehmung und nutzungsverhalten in computer supported social networks am beispiel studivz,” in Symposium vernetzung als soziales und technologisches paradigma, Klagenfurt, Austria, 2009.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{sackl2009risiko, author = {Andreas Sackl}, title = {Risikowahrnehmung und Nutzungsverhalten in Computer Supported Social Networks am Beispiel StudiVZ}, booktitle = {Symposium Vernetzung als soziales und technologisches Paradigma}, year = {2009}, address = {Klagenfurt, Austria}, }
- A. Sackl, “Three different designs of type ranking-questions,” in Proceedings of the 11th general online research conference, Vienna, Austria, 2009.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{sackl2009ranking, author = {Andreas Sackl}, title = {Three different designs of type ranking-questions}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th General Online Research Conference}, year = {2009}, address = {Vienna, Austria}, }